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China Canada International Cooperation Academic Committee (CCICAC)

Building Bridges, Fostering Innovation: Uniting China and Canada through Academic Excellence

Who we are?

CCICAC, the China Canada International Cooperation Academic Committee, stands as a dedicated alliance fostering collaboration between China and Canada. As a non-profit, non-governmental organization, we are supported by visionary leaders committed to advancing academic partnerships. With a strategic presence in Ottawa, Quebec City, and Beijing, we serve as a vital link, promoting mutual understanding and shared knowledge between Chinese and Canadian academics. Our mission is to strengthen the bond between our two nations, transcending geographical boundaries to create a platform for meaningful collaboration and innovation.

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What we do?

Through these initiatives, CCICAC is committed to fostering a dynamic and collaborative environment that advances academic excellence, promotes technological innovation, and strengthens the ties between the academic communities of China and Canada.

Academic and Technological Partnerships

CCICAC actively initiates and supports projects geared towards enhancing academic and technological partnerships between China and Canada. Through collaborative research endeavors and knowledge exchange programs, we strive to cultivate innovation and contribute to advancements in various fields. Ongoing initiatives include joint research projects, technology transfer programs, and innovation hubs fostering cross-cultural collaboration.

Promoting Exchange of Ideas and Research

CCICAC actively promotes a rich exchange of ideas and research between Chinese and Canadian scholars. Through forums, publications, and online platforms, we facilitate dialogue and collaboration, creating opportunities for scholars to share their expertise and contribute to the global academic discourse. Online research forums, joint publications, and collaborative research grants to encourage the exchange of ideas and research findings.

Sponsorship of Academic Events

CICAC is a proud sponsor of academic events that serve as platforms for knowledge dissemination, networking, and collaboration. We support conferences, seminars, and workshops that bring together experts from both China and Canada to discuss and address contemporary challenges and opportunities. Annual sponsorship of international conferences, workshops on emerging technologies, and symposiums focused on interdisciplinary research and academic development.

Comprehensive Support for International Scholars

CCICAC provides comprehensive support to international scholars, assisting them in building a significant presence within the Chinese academic community. Our support services include mentorship programs, language assistance, and guidance on navigating the academic landscape in China. Scholar-in-Residence programs, language proficiency workshops, and networking events to connect international scholars with established figures in the Chinese academic community.

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China Canada International Cooperation Academic Committee 

123 Academic Way Ottawa, ON K1A 0G9 Canada

+1 (613) 555 3245

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